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Q: If the shot put hits the throwing line is it a foul?
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How many points is a foul shot worth in a game of basketball?

When a foul is committed the player receives 1 personal foul. Their opponent is allowed to shoot up to 3 foul shots depending on if the basket is made or not made when they are fouled. If the shot was not made when they shot inside the 3 point line, they are awarded 2 foul shots. If the shot was not made from the 3 point line, they are awarded 3 foul shots. If the shot is made in either situation (from the 3 point line or inside the 3 point line), they are awarded 1 foul shot.

How much time do you have to shot?

If you mean Shot-Put then the athlete throwing the (shot) has 60seconds after there name is called to begin the throwing of the shot after those 60seconds have expired the athlete will be told that they have made a foul throw.Thank you and I hope this answers your question.

What is foul shot?

A foul shot is a shot that a player is granted if he/she is fouled while shooting the ball. It is shot from the freethrow line. If the player made his/her shot, then they get one, if he/she missed they get two, and if they are fouled while shooting a three-pointer, they get three freethrows, or foul shots

When bowling what line are you not allowed to step on?

It's called the foul line. If you step on or over it you'll get a big, fat F for foul and you'll only have one shot to get down the pins.

What happens if you miss the hoop on a foul shot?

If there is still another foul shot to be taken then nothing happens its just a miss, but if its the last foul shot then the ball is taken out bye the opposing team.

How far is a college basketball foul shot?

a college basketball foul shot/line is always 15ft fron the center of the hoop

What is the name of the shot in basketball that is made from a set line?

i think you mean a foul shot (free throw)

How far back is the foul shot line?

The foul line (free throw line) is 13 feet 9 inches from the center of the basket (goal) In High School, NCAA, and the NBA basketball.

What score is recorded when player commits a foul in bowling?

well you do this and that and that constituts a foul in Bowling stepping over the foul line at the lane before you let go

What are the fouls in shot put?

Line fouls can occur when the thrower steps onto or over the line. Sector fouls occur when the javelin does no land inside of the sector lines (on the line is a foul as well). Fouls are also called for unsafe delivery technique including side arm throwing and rotational throwing. These fouls are called primarily for the safety of the athlete(s) Fouls are called when a javelin does not land correctly - for a throw to be legal, the front tip of the javelin must land first. If profanities, inappropriate gestures, or other unacceptable behaviors are displayed by the athlete, the official may call a foul and scratch a competitor's throw.

In track and field event -in shot put is it a foul if the shot put lands on the sector line?

I do not think that they count that as a foul. They might in high school meets, but they usually do not in the meets I've been in.

Where is a 1 point shot made in basketball?

From the free-throw line, after a player has drawn a foul while attempting a shot on the basket. Depending on where they attempted their shot from, they will take 2 or 3 shots. IF they made the basket they were attempting while drawing a foul, the number of foul shots is decreased by 1.