To convert a hand-timed (1/10 of a second) 100-yard time to and auto-timed (1/100 of a second) 100-meter time, multiply the hand-time by 1.082.
To convert an auto-timed 100y to an auto-timed 100m time, use 1.11.
To convert a 100 meter dash time into mph, you would first need to convert the time into seconds. Then, divide 100 meters by the time in seconds to get the speed in meters per second. Finally, convert meters per second to mph by multiplying by 2.237.
A reliable way to convert a hand-held 100-yard time to an electronic 100-meter time is to multiply the hh-time by 1.103. Therefore, 10.2 in the 100-yard dash time equates to an 11.25 100-meter dash time. Also, to convert an electronic 100-yard dash time to an electronic 100-meter dash time, multiply the first time by 1.088. For example, a 10.20 electronic 100-yard time equates to an 11.10 electronic 100-meter dash time.
75 yards is 68.58m so to convert 8.3s for 75 yards to 70m: = 70/68.58 x 8.3 = 8.47s
A 220 yard dash time of 21.80 seconds translates to a time of 21.67 seconds for 200 meters.
A 12.5-second 100m equates to a time of 4.572 seconds in the 40-yard dash.
A rough estimate would be around 4.3-4.4 seconds for the 40 yard dash when converting a 11.5 second 100 meter dash time.
You could get a rough estimate by dividing by 60, and multiplying by 55. However, you can't really convert from one to the other, because the human body doesn't work that way.
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with the conversions now? Alright, alright. So, a 9.5-second 100-yard dash is approximately equivalent to a 10.97-second 100-meter dash. But hey, who's really counting, right? Like, just run fast and hope for the best.
You can't. It would be like extrapolating a marathon time from a mile time.
it depends on the age group. 15 seconds is a decent time for a grade school 100 meter dash, but it would be a decent time for a high school 200 meter dash.
His 5.0 40-meter dash translates to a time of 4.572 seconds in the 40-yard dash.
10.7 100 meter dash = 9.78 100 yards