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Q: How would a person feel if they had 1000 maggots in their body?
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If you die in a completely sanitary room would you get maggots?

If there was absolutely no way for a maggot to get into the room, and no maggots or maggot eggs anywhere in the room or on your person, then there is no way for your body to become infested with maggots. Maggots are a living creature and they can't appear out of thin air, they have to come from somewhere.

Are you born with maggots in your body?

We are born with parasites, not maggots.

Where on a dead body would you expect to find maggots?

Maggots are typically found on a dead body in areas with moist and exposed tissues, such as the mouth, nose, eyes, and genitals. They are attracted to these areas due to the decaying process and the presence of bodily fluids.

Where maggots found?

Maggots are found on any decomposing body. They are found about everywhere.

Does a sterile dead body in a concealed room produce maggotts?

Maggots are produced by flies, not by dead bodies. Whether maggots would appear will depend on whether flies land on the body. If the room is merely concealed (i.e. hidden) there's nothing to stop flies getting in. If you mean a sealed, airtight room then maggots would not appear.

Will mayo turn into maggots in the body?


How do maggots get into a dead body where there are no flies?

If there are no flies then there will be no maggots. No flies, no eggs, no maggots.

Can you get sick for swimming in a pool with maggots?

The answer here must be yes. Without knowing why maggots would even be in a swimming pool, there should be sufficient disinfectant in the pool water to kill maggots or any other type of invaders. You wouldn't put your body in contact with maggots in any normal situation therefore swimming with maggots is putting your body in contact with the germs that are washed from them into the water. Do not swim in any polluted water is always the safest rule.

What are leeches and maggots and where do they live?

Leeches are blood sucking parasites, they are normally found in body's of fresh water. Maggots are fly larvae they can be found in rotting food or carcases ( like a dead body, maggots can be found where flys have laid eggs), an example is maggots can found in cans of raw mushrooms.

How do you get rid of or kill all the maggots in the roof of a kitchen if there is a gap between the cornish about 2 meters in the air and the maggots are falling from the ceiling onto the floor?

To get rid of maggots in the roof of a kitchen in that scenario, you can try using a vacuum cleaner with a hose extension to reach the area and suck up the maggots. Another option is to use a bait such as a mixture of vinegar and dish soap in a shallow container to attract and trap the maggots. It's also important to identify and eliminate the source of the infestation to prevent them from returning.

Can maggots climb?

Yes, maggots have small hook-like structures on their bodies that help them crawl and climb on different surfaces. They are quite agile and can move efficiently in search of food or to escape predators.

Is it true that the human body will not be eaten by maggots when buried in a cemetery?

No, it is not true.