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...dark days follow the assassination (of JFK) yet life seems to beg to return back to some kind of normal. As for me, I must confess at this point that I DO NOT even begin to understand the adult world; nor do I suppose I ever will.

Often Grandfather and I of a Monday evening make our way over to Veteran's Memorial Auditorium hoping to glimpse Bulldog Bob Brown & Pat O'Connor in a World Wide Wrestling Federation bout. Sometimes we settle for "Da Crusher" or "Da Bruiser", but maybe if we're lucky, Pat O'Connor. Pat is our number one all time favorite. During intermissions Grandpa buys me a hotdog smothered in mustard and a cold drink (without ice. It comes straight from the fountain and every time I ask for ice, of course the man says, sorry kid, we don't do that here!) The air is permeated thick with pungent, stale, cigarette smoke, (but that's only near the concession stands and not in the main auditorium.)

Jenny and I take in V.B.S. for the Kool-Aid n cookies. This fall Mom n Grandma will take in the 1964 World Fair in New York City, but what about the kids Mom wants to no? We'll manage!

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