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It's kinda hard to explain, but...

There's 15-0, 30-0, 40-0, and then game. So you have to win four points in order to win a game. If it becomes 40-40, it's a "deuce." If you're playing regular scoring, you have to win two more points (in a row) to get the game. If you're playing no-ad scoring, it's a "sudden death point."

Whoever gets six games first wins. However, if you get to 5-5, you play "win by two games." If a player gets to 7-5, they win the set. If they win 6-5, and then lose the next game to become 6-6, they play a 7-point tiebreaker. (Whoever gets to 7 points first. If it becomes 6-6, you play until somebody wins by two.)

Same goes for the second set. (Juniors play best of three sets, so if you win the first two sets, you win the match. If you win the first set, but lose the second set, or vice versa, you play a third set OR a third set tiebreaker, which is a 10-point super tiebreaker. Most tournaments on the USTA Open & below level play 10-point tiebreakers as the third. More advanced tournaments like championships, excellences, etc. have a full third set.

Hope that's not too confusing...

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14y ago

15, 30, 40, game. If both players reach 40 its called deuce and the next point won is one players advantage. Once someone wins two points in a row at deuce, they win the game.

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Is the tennis scoring system used in any other sports or is it unique to tennis?

The scoring system of tennis is unique and is only used in this sport. The scoring used is love (0), 15, 30, 40 & game. There are also areas of deuce (when the score is 40-40) and then add-in & add-out.

How do you score high school team tennis matches?

Most high school tennis matches are scored on a 2/3 set basis, with no-ad scoring (that means that at deuce, whoever wins the next point wins the game).

Who discovered the tennis scoring?

Mason Chaplin discoverd cuz' he is a MELT.

Who invented tennis scoring system?

James Van Alen in 1965

Why 15 30 40 for a game?

The scoring is based on the scoring rules of real tennis. Real, here, refers to royal as opposed to fake. I real tennis, the scores were 15, 30 and 45 but the last got shortened to 40 in the "new" game of lawn tennis. Read more on real tennis at link.

How do you win tennis?

By scoring more points, more quickly than your opponent.

How tennis scoring in double points?

singels is to 21 points and doubles is to 11

WHY does tennis use strange scoring?

The reason tennis uses strange scoring is because in England they used to play by the clock tower so fifteen, thirty and then somewhere along the wayfortyfive got changed to just forty then game (or sixty).

What is the scoring method for short tennis?

Scoring is similar to table tennis. Each turn at serving lasts for four points. A game is won when one player reaches seventeen by a margin of two or better. Deuce and ad are not used: the score continues a normal arithmetic count. A long game might end at 27-25, for example. The number of games to play in a set or match is still undetermined.