On July 24, 2010 I had the opportunity to run across and ride with Greg LeMond in West Hartford, CT. A one point we stopped at a traffic light and discussed bikes. I'm 5' 8 1/2". Greg was approximately the same height, possible slightly taller. I would estimate his height at between 5' 9" and 5' 10" in height. L. Barry - Newington CT.
Greg LeMond's birth name is Gregory James LeMond.
Greg LeMond was born on June 26, 1961.
Greg LeMond has written: 'Ciclismo Completo'
Greg LeMond was born on June 26, 1961.
Greg LeMond is 50 years old (birthdate: June 26, 1961).
In 1987, Greg LeMond and his brother-in-law were turkey hunting. LeMond's brother in-law mistook Greg for a turkey, and he shot him. LeMond recovered two years later and is still alive today. Ever since he has been called a turkey because of this incident.
Gary Lemond is 6'.
Greg Thomas
Road racing cycling is what made Greg LeMond famous. In his career, he has won the Tour de France three times and the World Championship twice.
Jonathan LeMond is 6' 2".
Greg Lemond, USA
One of the most famous quotes by Greg LeMond that inspires cyclists is: "It never gets easier, you just go faster."