Venus Williams is 37 years old (birthdate: June 17, 1980).
When ever you want to know someones age you take the year 2010 and subtract it bye the year he or she was born (2010-1994=16) Zachary Isaiah Williams will be 16 this year - 17 in 2011 and LEGAL in 2012
Venus Williams (born June 17, 1980) is 28. Serena Williams (born September 26, 1981) is 27.
32 years old and was born in 1990 june 17th
A 8year old girl. P.S.(2010)
If you are eleven years old on Earth, you would be about 17 years old on Venus. This is because a year on Venus is about 225 Earth days, so time passes relatively faster on Venus compared to Earth.
He was in Take That. He left the band for many years but they have all got back together again this year, 2010.
Aphrodite is thousands of years old. She is also known as Venus. Venus is her Roman name, Aphrodite is her Greek name.
If you are 11 years old on Earth, you would be around 17 years old on Venus because a year on Venus is about 225 Earth days long.
marvin is 26 year old aston merrygold is 23 year old jb is 24 year old oritse williams is 24 year old to
Still ten years. There isn't any notable time dilation effect. But Venus orbits the sun every 225 Earth days, so a ten year old Venusian boy would just over 6 years old on Earth. Similarly, a 10 year old Earth boy would be 16 years old on Venus.
Venus McFlytrap (voiced by Julie Maddalena Kliewer) is the 15-Year-Old daughter of the Plant Monster.Venus Mcflytrap's is the 15 year old daughter of the plant monster. The Venus McFlytrap Monster High doll/ character has a green complexion.