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Q: How old was Arnold when he started bodybuilding?
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Where can one find Arnold bodybuilding workouts?

One can find Arnold bodybuilding workouts when one goes to the website alongabbay. It is the most popular bodybuilding workout routine of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Who succeded Arnold swarzenegger?

His bodybuilding career.

What actors and actresses appeared in Arnold Schwarzenegger Bodybuilding Classic - 1989?

The cast of Arnold Schwarzenegger Bodybuilding Classic - 1989 includes: Samir Bannout Rich Gaspari Bob Paris Gary Strydom

Who discovered Bodybuilding?

Bodybuilding how it is known today was started by Eugene Sandow which used Michelangelo's "David" as inspiration. Charles Atlas was another man who helped the cause of Bodybuilding.

When did Arnold Schwarzenegger leave bodybuilding?

Arnold's first movie was "Hercules in New York" released in 1970; his most recent acting roll is in "The Expendables"; which will be released in 2010; which makes his acting career covering 40 years - so far.

When did Arnold Schwarzenegger leave his bodybuilding career?

After the 1980 Mr. Olympia which he won despite his sub-par physique that year.

Is 32 too old to start bodybuilding?

No, 47 is not to old to start bodybuilding unless you have health problems.

How old was Benedict Arnold during the revolution?

Born in 1741, he would have been 34 when the Revolution started.

At what age did salman khan started bodybuilding?

Salman Khan is an enthusiastic person. He is very concerned about his body. So he started his body building at young age of 25.

Who spent seven days in a military jail after he went AWOL from the army in 1965 to compete in a bodybuilding championship which he won?

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Was Arnold schwarzennegger in the Olympics?

Yes, During Schwarzenegger's early years in bodybuilding, he competed in several Olympic weightlifting and power lifting contests.

Where can one find an Arnold Schwarzenegger bodybuilding video online?

Videos of Arnold Schwarzenegger as a bodybuilder can be found on the web. Along with sites such as YouTube and DailyMotion, sites such as Bodybuilder Tips and MBook Video are viable options currently.