Julia Child was born on August 15, 1912 and died on August 13, 2004. Julia Child would have been 91 years old at the time of death or 102 years old today.
Julia Child is dead. She was 91 years old when she died.
Julia Child attended Le Cordon Blue cooking school at age 37.
Julia Child did not have a child!
Julia Phillips died on January 1, 2002 at the age of 57.
No, Julia Child is not single.
Julia Child's birth name is Julia Carolyn McWilliams.
Julia Child married to Paul Cushing Child in 1946
Julia Child was born in Pasadena, California.
Julia Child was 6'2" and her sister was 6'4"
Yes there is actually a DVD set on Amazon that has the Julia Child tv programs on DVD. You can view them in order of airing or by the food of the episode.
Yes, Julia Child married to Paul Cushing Child in 1946
Julia Child was 6'2" and her sister was 6'4"