Her name is Sam Alexis Woods. She was born June 18, 2007 and is currently 2 years old.
Her name is Sam Alexis Woods. She was born June 18, 2007 and is currently 2 years old.
He helped 206,098,009 children.
Tiger Woods is 42 years old (birthdate: December 30, 1975).
Tiger is currently 32
Yes, Tiger Woods has 2 kids.
Tiger Woods daughter is around 3 years old.Again Health and social (Y)
He taught Tiger Woods when he was just 9 months old to play golf
He is 34 years old.
Tiger Woods was approximately 25 years old when he won the British Open. Tiger is a well known professional golfer.
yes tiger woods was a child on the art linkletter show on kids say the darndest things. Tiger also appeared with his father on the show.