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Q: How much was the winning purse in the 2010 PGA Tour?
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How much does a vet for horses win?

In the horse racing industry, veterinarians are not paid anything out of the winning purse - they are paid either by contract-for-service or by fees.

How much money will the winning team get in 2010 world cup?

$30 million

How much Will Super Bowl players earn for winning in 2010?

around 78,000 dollars

How much prize money do you get for winning the US Open golf championship?

The total purse for the tournament was $7,500,000. Graeme McDowell received $1,350,000 as champion.

How much does a Webkinz Purse cost?

There is no such thing as a webkinz purse.

How much was Serena Williams paid for winning the Women's Singles at Wimbledon 2010?

£630,000 or $951,300.

How much does a real Prada purse cost?

The average purse is about $20.00

How much did the top earning music concert of 2010 make?

Well the U2 360 tour ran from 2009-2011, and it's hard to pinpoint what tour grossed the most in 2010 specifically, but it's pretty safe to assume it was the U2 tour as overall, they grossed $736,000,000 from 110 shows.

How much champagne did the lakers use last night after winning the 2010 NBA championship?

more then your momma can drink

How much does Bradley wiggins get for winning the tour de France?

I know he gets £2500 a day for wearing the yellow jersey, and i assume the price money is pretty huge for winning overall, but he will also then attract sponsors and get even more money