Haro bikes are very expensive. Just the bike frame by itself can range from $170 to $300. An entire Haro bike can cost as much as $1050.
25.75 pounds
When you buy it, with everything on it ways 29.8 lbs but if you take of the brakes the stickers and reflectors and the gyro it can go down to 26.4 lbs.I don't have everything stock on my bike but i do have the Haro x2 2010 frame and my bike ways 23.4 lbs also the frames is basically the only heavy part and it weights at 7.9 lbs.
Alot .
50.56 lbs
The 2009 model of the Haro f1 Weights 34.6 pounds so dont buy haro's they suck. Buy Stolen bikes off of Danscomp.com{stolen is a brand name}
YES! you are probably looking at a bike that claims to be a BMX brand such as Mongoose and Haro but they really aren't meant for the beating they take and they are extremely heavy. You can get a much better bike for around the same price that is a highly recognized name. try danscomp.com i recommend any of the Fit complete series or a sunday complete
it weighs 24 pounds
as much as you whant
Just apologize and that should do the trick.
anywhere from 5 dollars to 10 dollars
you can flatland in almost any bikes. it's not about the weight of the bike.