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No. Since spares count only the next ball as the bonus, the variability is 0 through 9 of what would be added to the previous frame. For example, a game of all spares where the first ball is a 9 for all 10 frames would be 190 and result in the highest possible all-spare game.

(10 + 9) x 10 = 190 (10 + 9 = 19, which is the 10 pins score plus the bonus, which is the score of every frame, times 10 frames).

The lowest possible all-spare game would have the first ball be a gutter ball, with a spare achieved by knocking down all 10 pins with the second ball. That would result in a game of 100 ((10 + 0) X 10 = 100). Since the reality is that an all-spare game would probably have some other numbers involved, the score would be somewhere in between 100 and 190. If the first ball were all sevens, eights, and nines with an average of eight, the score would be 180 ((10 + 8) x 10 = 180).

There is some controversy whether the ball in the eleventh frame, the fill ball, can be a strike or not. Anyone who agrees with the fill ball being a strike and the game still being called an all spare game would suggest that the highest all spare game could be as high as 191.

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15y ago
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16y ago

a spare is 10 points plus the value of your next roll. So if you get a spare and then 9, you get 19 points

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14y ago

10 plus your next ball

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