The US national average salary range for a pharmaceutical sales representative ranges from approximately $50,000 to $135,000. Please keep in mind that salary may vary due to experience in the field, education, geographic location and other variables.
i really don't know
USD $58k average
An appliance salesperson averages between $35,000-$60,000 per year
as much as he desires.
about £30,000
There is no single answer for this. A single pharmaceutical patent may earn billions of dollars a year for its owner, while hundreds if not thousands of other patents are never exploited at all.
Staples employees do not earn commission.
Pharmaceutical scientists earn an average salary of around $100,000 per year in the United States. However, salaries can vary based on factors such as experience, location, and level of education.
around 10 laks per day. shocked eh? actually if they even sell 1 car in a day they earn a lot of money. by air