The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates a median salary of $34,850 in 2008.
Salary may depend on seniority:
1-4 years: $25,006-$55,0005-9 years: $32,115-$83,00010-19 years: $49,132-$148,73820 or more: $59,322-$165,000
Alot of money
he is not involved in sports
A Lot?
$120,00K per year
3 Anchors
$950K. Way to much for a sub-par sports jock.
The amount money that sports analysts make varies depending mostly on level of experience and place of work. On average, they make about $54,000 per year.
One dollar a day.
a ormal sports offical make around 400 thousand a year on average
About 38/000 a year About 48,000 a year