I had my orange fuse 3 bent rim bad crank go for $100. I would say $200 for yours.
If it is the chromoly framed bike,complete, weight is right around 30lbs.newtest3
yh amazing bike for the price
This bike does not have a fuse box. It does have a 15 amp fuse on the positive cable form the battery.
Time Will Fuse Its Worth was created on 2006-10-30.
you have to retrace what you were doing before blowing out the 3amp fuse. Were you repairing anything on the bike? I would speculate you were replacing the regulator/rectofire with an aftermarket one? check to see if the brown wire is connected to the wrong sorce.
Rite side of bike under cover its the first 30 amp fuse
In the passenger compartment fuse panel : # 32 - 7.5 amp brown color fuse - for the radio
The distinguishing feature is that a brown dwarf gets hot enough to fuse deuterium (hydrogen-2), but not hot enough to fuse hydrogen-1.
the fuse box is under the side panel on left side of bike
Try on top of the battery, I have a ninja 500r and that is where it is on my bike.
Under the seat of the bike just under the fuse box.
The fuse box is located on the left side of the bike. you have to first remove the seat, then the black panel below it, then the chrome panel below that. there is a black box with "fuse" stamped on it.