In late 2009 he became the world's first sports person to earn $1 billion.
According to Forbes, Tiger Woods has earned over $1 billion in his Golf career. He is the richest athlete in the world.
Tiger Woods' off course earnings in 2007 were $99,800,000.
Tiger Woods' career earning on the PGA Tour is $87,832,539. (Source PGA Tour website)
In 2007 he earned around $22 million from on course earnings.
In late 2009 he hit the $1 billion mark, so probably just over that now.
I am guessing it was more than 250 million...based on his previous years earnings and his new projects.
By 2010 Forbes estimates Tiger Woods will have earned $1 billion.
Tiger Woods wins about 5 or six tournaments on an average year adding in 2004.
Tiger woods wins about 5 or six tournaments on an average year adding in 2004.
Tiger Woods paid his wife close to $100,000,000. He is also to pay Elin child support.
very much so !