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24 lb 9.6 oz (11.2 kg)

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Q: How much does the 11' mirraco luxstar BMX bike weigh?
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most sportbikes will weigh between 300-600lbs. touring bikes will weigh more.

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40.25 - 33.75 = 6.5 40.25 + 33.75 = 74

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you can flatland in almost any bikes. it's not about the weight of the bike.

You are 5'2 and never ridden a dirt bike wondering if someone can tell you what bike is for you?

an 80cc to a 125cc depending on how much you weigh.

Are mirraco bikes better than a haro bikes and are they just good bikes?

I like MirraCo Bikes. I have an 07 FiveStar Park that's pretty much indestructible. Their frame designs, albeit a little heavy when fully equipped with pegs, brakes, etc., are tough. I'm yet to hurt my bike, I've had it for a few years now, and it's completely stock expect for the seat and pegs. In short, yes. They're good bikes, especially for the price. But note, it also depends on how abusive you are to it. Like anything, if you're trying to break it, you probably will ;) Good luck.