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100000000000 pounds 100000000000 pounds Actually, it weighs App. 2.7 lbs
36 big hearts
Death has been personified as a skeletal figure in a black cloak and referred to as the Grim Reaper since around the 15th century. Other personifications of death as a dark angel are much older.
45millian dollars
It is $599.95. Technicly $600.
The mechanical reaper allowed farmers in the West to grow large quantities of wheat much of which they sold in eastern markets.
the grim reaper is a boy and you can 1 time i bought this used Sims and it had the grim reaper one day when i was away my Little bro used it i came back and the grim reaper was apart of my family i begged him to tell me how he did it he didn't say that same day as a joke i did woohoo and my girl was pregnant the baby was a girl with that black thing over her and black hair even though mine was brown haired + so you know the grim reaper kids can become wolves and vampires and ghosts and zombies the kids are born with black or brown hair to answer any questions you might look up here's some answers yes you can be a wolf a vampire and a zombie without having nightlife no you cant Robb other Sim's except on Sim's 3 and you can be a ghost and be able to do stuff as well example. have a kid go to work that stuff to do that die with another Sim around you then beg the grim reaper to let you stay and then later you'll get a call from the lab they will call about a experiment bring the ashes of your other Sim and the later you can be your ghost Sim your kid if you have one will be a ghost most likely this is answered by a different person then the top hope this helps and you can do this stuff on Wii , PlayStation 1 2 and 3 ,cp , Sims 1 , Sims 2 , Sims 2 double deluxe YOU CAN DO IT ALL ON ALL THE SIMSyes looke at sims wiki
What Exactly Do You Mean By "Getting The Grim Reaper"? 1. How To See The Grim Reaper I. Keeping Your Sim locked up somewere until each of their motives is completely red and they die. II. Hold down Shift-Ctrl-C and type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true. Click on your sim while holding Shift and press Spawn...Rodney's Death Creator (if that is not available, it should be near the Tombstone of L and D). Click on it and it will allow your sim to die quickly and easily. Some Of The Options -Electrocution -Drowning (looks funny when they aren't in a pool) -Satellite (having a satellite crash into your sim) -And Much More. 2. How To Aquire A Grim Reaper Costume Hold down Shift-Ctrl-C and type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true. When creating a sim, press Shift-N and it will give you different types of clothes, hair, etc. Near the end of the Everyday clothing, there are Two Grim Reaper Costumes: A normal costume and a normal costume with a flower necklace. Hope This Helps You Out -FemaleKickboxer O3O
Get the grim reaper phone. To do this, get the cheat bar up (Ctrl, shift, C) then type in "unlockcareerrewards" (without speech marks). Search through the career rewards list until you find the grey phone with fire around it. Select it and put it in your house. Then call the grim reaper and ask for your sim back. He will give him/her back, but for a price. Give him as much as you can, otherwise your sim will come back as a zombie or not at all.
He is definitely not joyful. He is like the grim reaper. He is silent and seems like a mixture of mad and sad. I hope this helps... but I don't think it will be 2 much. Please change if you have a better answer!
The mechanical reaper mechanized the harvest of grain products making it possible for a single person to harvest acres of grain as opposed to a large labor force.
i had sims 2 pets and let me tell you they dont come back to life. they just float around your house as ghosts. but when they are dying you can plead for loved one unless they are dying of old age. or you just dont save your game!