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Q: How much does a tennis ball weigh in units volume?
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The easiest way to find the area and volume of a tennis ball?

A tennis ball is a spherical shape. Surface area of a sphere in square units = 4*pi*radius2 Volume of a sphere in cubic units = 4/3*pi*radius3

What is the volume of a table tennis ball?

Volume formula: 4/3 x pi x r ^3 Volume of the table tennis ball = 4/3 x 3.1416 x (2 cm)^3 = 33.5 cm^3 = 33.5 mL

Does a golf ball weigh more than a tennis ball?

The International Tennis Federation requires a tennis ball to weigh between 56 and 59.4 grams. Under the rules of Golf, a golf ball must weigh no more than 45.93 grams. So no, a golf ball does not weigh more than a tennis ball.

How much does a tennis ball weigh in grams?

A standard tennis ball weighs about 56g-58g.

What does one ball weigh?

The weight of a standard tennis ball is approximately 58 grams.

How do you calculate the volume of a tennis ball?

To a first approximation, a tennis ball is a sphere. The volume of a sphere is V = 4/3 π r3, where r is the radius of the sphere. So measure the diameter of the tennis ball, divide by 2 to get the radius, and then apply the formula above. You could also measure the volume of a tennis ball by measuring the volume of water that it displaces.

If you saved all the skin you shed in one year would it weigh as much as a tennis ball or a baseball or a basketball?

Tennis ball

How many dimensions in volume have a tennis ball has?

Volume = 4/3*pi*radius3

What is the volume of a tennis ball?

I think it is 4.2 cubic inches

How do you find the volume a ball?

Volume of a ball or sphere = 4/3*pi*radius3 and measured in cubic units

What are 5 things that have mass and volume?

A tree, a tennis ball, a tiger, you and ... me.

How many tennis balls will fill 55444 cubic feet?

It is not possible to determine the number of tennis balls without knowing the volume of a single tennis ball. Once you know the volume of one tennis ball, you can calculate the number of balls needed to fill 55444 cubic feet.