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Middle school shot put weights are:

  • Must check with local area for requirements

High school shot put weights are:

  • Men's 12 pounds
  • Women's 8 pounds

College shot put weights are:

  • Men's 16 pounds
  • Women's 8 pounds (might be 10 not sure)
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14y ago
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10y ago

In the United States, the shot put for high school girls is 8.8 pounds. High schools boys use a shot put that weighs 12 pounds.

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Q: How much does a girls high school shot put weigh?
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How much does a junior high girls hot put weigh?

it's 6 pounds

How much does girls high school shot put weigh?

The average girls shot put weighs 4ks or 8lbs. 4 ks is about 8.8 pounds.

How much does a girls middle school shot put weigh?

8 pounds

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It weighs 4 kg or 8.8 lbs in high school

How much does an average school student weigh?

The amount will depend upon the age that you are talking about. Most high school students weigh close to 140 pounds.

How much does a girl's high school shot weigh?

8.8 pounds / 4 K

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Abot 240-250

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8.8 pounds, (4kg)

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No because guys have more strength in throwing but girls have strength but not as much as guys

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If your in High School - 130+ If your in College - 170+ but really should be 180 If your pro - 210+

How much does a high school boy weigh if he is anorexic?

it depends on how muscular he is......if hes not too muscular then maybe about 90-115 at the most

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usually around 800 grams