A modern tennis ball must have a mass (weight) in the range 56.0 g to 59.4 g (1.98 oz. to 2.10 oz.) A dozen would therefore have a mass (weight) between 672 g to 712.8 g (23.76 oz. to 25.2 oz.)
Roughly 306 lbs.
LMGTFY Balls must weigh between 56.0 g and 59.4 g
6 Dozen large eggs would weigh 4.2Kg
The weight of an average ball can vary depending on the sport or type of ball. For example, basketballs typically weigh around 1 pound, soccer balls around 1 pound as well, and tennis balls around 2 ounces. It's best to check the specifications for the specific type of ball you are interested in.
About 1-1.4 grams.
A standard tennis ball weighs about 56g-58g.
Depends on the caliber
Anywhere from 12 to 18 ounces.
A tennis ball is basicaly a ball filled with air through a valve. I don't kanow too much about it, I have to admit.
sixteen pounds
Tennis balls should weigh between 1.975-2.095 ounces (between 56.0 g and 59.4 g ).Between 2 - 2.5 ounces.
Tennis balls bounce because the air pressure inside is higher than the outside pressure. They begin to lose bounce as soon as removed from their pressure can. The alititude where the ball is played will affect the bounce. As they are played, they lose more bounce. Typically, they lose too much bounce to play after about 3 sets of recreational (amateur) tennis, or 8 games of professional tennis.