Birkin bag was created in 1984.
The Hermès Birkin bag is the single most highly coveted luxury handbag on the planet. With the Birkin bag price ranging from $8,500 to over $300,000 at the boutique, it's also the most expensive bag in fashion history. However, at some reliable online store BabaReplica, you may be able to get their similar designs for less than $200, and the quality can be trusted.
because is cheaper
One can purchase a genuine Birkin bag from many local retailers including boutiques and novelty sales. Birkin bags can even be found in most department stores locally. As well as local retailers there are always those who can be found online.
I am really glad I've found that site . I have got one from it for my friend ,and she like the bag very much
The Birkin bag is popular because it is associated with class. To many, it is a symbol of wealth. These bags are known to be expensive and so difficult to find. To buy such a bag, it is generally believed that there is a waiting list. Contrary to this opinion, Michael Tonello says it is just a marketing ploy, and that you can buy the Birkin bag made by Hermes without a waiting list, if you know how.
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It would cost £800.
A bag of flower cost 2 cents in 1600
About $2 at fairplay for a small bag
$234556 for a bag lol
it will cost 5$