Actually the bag itself does not have wheels but they have a push cart that does instead. With the pushcart you basically strap your bag on this tiny device and then push or drag the cart. Here is a link to one I hope that helps.
find parts for a bagboy push cart
The wheels of the cart will rotate in the same direction that the cart is being pushed, so they will also go towards the west.
u have to have wheels plasic and metal
The dolly wheels they sell in hardware stores.
The force of friction will push the cart to the east, which is opposite to the direction the cart is being pushed. Friction always acts in the direction opposite to the direction of motion.
The duration of Man Push Cart is 1.45 hours.
I'm not sure if you can get replacement parts. First I would 'google' the manufacturer to see if they have a site for that sort of thing. If that fails, maybe a look at my blog may help you:
There are models on the market that fit your description. HitandSit and SeatCarts are two companies that offer seat-equipped push/pull golf carts, and you can find them online at sites with these names, priced starting at under $200.
When you push a cart, the main forces involved are your applied force in the direction you're pushing, the force of friction between the cart's wheels and the ground resisting movement, and the normal force exerted by the ground on the cart to support its weight. Additionally, there may be air resistance opposing the motion of the cart, depending on the speed and shape of the cart.
Man Push Cart was created on 2006-10-16.