As the name suggests, 10 pins are used, arranged in a triangle formation with the point of the triangle (head pin) facing the bowler
The spelling is one word "tenpin" for a pin used in a "ten-pin bowling" game (aka tenpins).
A bowling ball is a ball that is used in the game of bowling, where you roll the ball down an aisle and try to knock down as many pins as you can.
yes it can be used indoors and outdoors
used bowling balls
Outdoor wire is harder to work with but you can use it indoors.
Pin Bowling
Bowling in a bowling alley.
the fingers used in bowling are the middle and ring finger on your dominate hand.
They can be used indoors, but you should make sure that they are kept away from anything which is flammable.
A great place to buy cheap bowling equipment is second hand on Ebay. Many times you can score a great deal on a used piece of bowling equipment that may look like new!
Yes. Steel core can be used indoors. Copper core outside.
I believe that they're used to indoors and are more calm. But otherwise, I don't know.