312 tennisballs.
The room is 6480 cubic feet. If 192 tennis balls fit in (3 feet) cubed, that's 27 cubic feet and 46,080 tennis balls fit in 6480 cubic feet.
Since a tennis ball has a diameter that is greater than 2 inches, the answer is 0.
5 if i balance one on top!
It would depend on the size of the tennis balls, but assuming a standard 2.63 cubic inches per ball, you would need approximately 122,321 tennis balls to fill 106.6 cubic feet.
241920 in^3 == typical minivan cargo volume (V) 17.576 in^3 == volume of a cube surrounding a tennis ball (v) 13764 == V/v = number of tennis ball sized cubes to fit into the cargo space of a minivan
You only need shorts that can fit tennis balls in them (must be able to put two in), and either a polo shirt or an athletic shirt.
Consider: a standard tennis ball is 65.41-68.58 millimeters in diameter, so (at the midpoint) ~0.157 liters volume. A random sphere packing is about 36% empty space, so the exclusive volume is ~0.246 liters per ball -- 4 balls per litter. Answer - 40 Balls