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Q: How many steps would a foursome make on an average putting green?
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Related questions

When was Four Green Steps created?

Four Green Steps was created in 2008.

How many steps does the average person take each day?

on average a person takes about 3,000-5,000 steps a day . you should take at least 10,000 steps a day :]

How many steps long is the average route in the Pokemon world?

I would say 100-200 steps for an average route.

How many miles are 27963 steps?

Well it depends on how big your steps are but on average there are about 13 miles in 27963 steps.

How many steps do you take in a year?

Here is the surveyed steps for the average: MALE: 2 625 080 steps per year FEMALE: 1 901 650 steps per year Remember, average! Not discriminating genders!

How do you install music on your phone?

That depdends on the phone. Putting music on a Samsung Rant will require much different steps than putting music on your Blackberry Curve.

What happens If the Jolly Green Giant Steps on What if your House?

you will get mushed rooms

How steep is the average residential steps?

48 degrees

How many steps does an average office worker take in day?

Around 2,000 steps per day.

How many steps does an average office worker take in a day?

Around 2,000 steps per day.

What are the three steps in writing?

The three steps in writing typically involve prewriting (planning and brainstorming), drafting (putting your thoughts into writing), and revising/editing (reviewing and refining your work).

What are the steps to putting in bathroom lighting?

"This Old House" is a popular reference for anything related to home remodeling. You can find instructions on putting in new lights by going to the site at