This is quite an easy question for me to answer as i am quite athletic, the answer to this one is 4, even in swimming the relay consists of 4, i assume you mean athletics and yes athletics relays consist of 4.
Wolf. Cheetahs are sprinters, not distance runners.
to many
it is called a relay race
A baton is the object that is passed between relay runners in a relay race.
A relay race.
fingure it out, sorry
Whether you can get a picture of the relay race will depend on which race it was. You will have better luck getting a picture of the relay if the photographer uploaded the pictures online.
Sprinters need speed in order to accelerate quickly out of the starting blocks and reach their maximum velocity in a short amount of time. This allows them to cover the short distance of the race as fast as possible. Developing speed also improves a sprinter's ability to maintain their top speed throughout the race.
the relay race began at 7:05:42 and ended at 7:09:15
relay race
There are multiple relay races: 4x100, 4x100, distance medley, and other less used relays. Every relay has 4 members.