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Q: How many shuttlecocks in one shuttle pack?
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Related questions

Where online can one purchase shuttlecocks?

One can purchase shuttle cocks for badminton from many online retailers such as Sweat Band and Newitts which specialize in providing equipment for sport.

Are blue shuttlecocks different from the red ones?

yes one is blue and one is red

How many sea otters are in one pack?

their are 50 otters in one pack

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There are 20 cigarettes in one pack

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How many people can a space shuttle can hold at one time?


How many launchers does a Beyblade pack come with?

a single pack comes with one a double pack comes with two

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How many people does it take to built one space shuttle?

1000 porple

How many silly bandz are in a one pack?

Usually there are 24 silly bandz in a pack.

How many chocolate digestives are there in a pack?

Buy one one and find out, you prick!

Who were the austronauts that were in the space shuttle with her?

There are/were 5 space shuttles and over 100 missions as well as one other shuttle that only flew in the atmosphere as a test of the flight capability. Many people have ridden on the space shuttle.