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Q: How many pro cycling teams are there in the US?
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How many outdoor pro soccer teams are in the US?

By pro I guess you mean MLS which is the first tier of American soccer, in that case it's 15 teams.

How do join a us pro cycling team?

Train and do any race you can find, win them all

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How many MLS teams are from the US?

eighteen teams.(:

Why is cycling called cycling?

As with so many words, this comes to us because we prefer a shorter word to a longer. "Cycling" is a shortened version of "bicycling".

How many basketball teams are there in the US?

30 teams in the NBA

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There are 4 teams in the National Pro Fastpitch league (NPF): the Akron Racers, the Chicago Bandits, the NPF Diamonds, and the USSSA Pride.

How many professional basketball teams?

30 NBA teams in the US

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NHL- 24 teams****

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Not as many as there are in the US

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