The actual number of active fans is likely in the hundreds of millions, if not a billion or more, because of the popularity in China and other highly-populated areas of Asia.
About 1million
4 cats and 3 dogs and 1 bat prefer dance...all others like gymnastics (YAY)
yes alot of people think gymnastics is cool
no people do not have to do gymnastics
gymnasts dont usually get killed but if they were to die it would be because they over worked or had some kind of disease that could have been infected by gymnastics. but as a gymnast myself i would say that if you were going to do gymnastics dont think about how many people get killed just think about how many people have fun doing gymnastics.
6 peoples
A gymnastics team is comprised of both men and women. In total there are 12 people on a team with six alternatives between the ladies and the guys.
Three people
100 %
Yy Do People Like Gymnastics ? Wa A Stupid Question ! Yy Do Uu Lik Chocolate Yy Do Uu Like Watching Tv Yy Do Uu Like To Read ! Uu Enjoy It Duhh ! Gymnastics Is A Way Of Life For People Nat Jusd A Sport But There Lives !]
Arguably the greatest people behind gymnastics are the coaches and assistant coaches, many of whom are volunteers, who support the sport at grass-roots level.