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Q: How many people die from jogging in the streets a year?
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How many young people run away and become homeless and live on the streets in Britain?

100,000 a year under 16 years of age

How many homeless people die in Canada each year?

About 200 homeless people die in Canada each year. Many of these deaths can be attributed to health issues, exposure to harsh weather, violence, and substance abuse.

How many people are there on the streets of Canada?

There is no specific count of the number of people on the streets of Canada at any given time. Homelessness is a complex issue that varies by city and region, with estimates ranging from 150,000 to 235,000 individuals experiencing homelessness in Canada in a year.

How many people die of a motorcycle accident without a helment?

About 1.24 million people die each year as a result of traffic accidents.Half of those passing away on the globe's streets are “vulnerable street users”: people on the streets, bikers and riders.Wearing a motorbike helmets properly can prevent loss of life by almost 40% and the chance of severe injury by over 70%.

How many people have been attacked in the streets a year?

It is difficult to provide an exact number as it can vary significantly depending on location and year. Worldwide, millions of people are victims of street attacks each year, ranging from assaults to muggings. It is important to stay vigilant and take precautions to ensure personal safety in public spaces.

How many people visit chester in a year?

Chester, a city in England, receives approximately 3.8 million visitors per year. Known for its Roman heritage and well-preserved medieval architecture, Chester attracts many tourists who come to explore its historic sites and charming streets.

What is the plural possessive noun of streets?

The possessive form of the plural noun streets is streets'.Example: The number streets' direction is north and south, the alpha streets are east and west.

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In 1864, the streets of London

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What exercise for a 55 year woman?

Some jogging and if you're in shape then maybe a few sit ups.

What exercises should a 12 year old male do?

Push-ups,basketball,swimming,jogging and walking.