at least over 5ooo people have died in the last 35years by road accidents!
approxamitely 500
It depends on the cyclist. Many people cycling as a form of transportation, some use cycling as recreation, some people cycle for fitness, while a small group cycle competitively in organized races.
i love harry styles
The motto of Cycling England is 'More people cycling, more safely, more often'.
Cycling Advocates' Network's motto is 'More people cycling more often'.
Walking - it is free Cycling costs money - to buy the cycle for a start
There's no sensible answer to that, as there are too many different kinds of cycling.
cycling is not played but thereare many types of cycling # mountain biking is on mud tracks these are fonud all over the country # racing is on roads # track cycling is in velodromes ps cycling is done not played
As with so many words, this comes to us because we prefer a shorter word to a longer. "Cycling" is a shortened version of "bicycling".
so many people die like 12.