There was no World Cup 2008.
Shenzhen, China (apex)
There is actually too many people in the world that is considered to be the fastest in the world. ---------- Officially, the title for fastest single time and average for the 3x3x3 are held by Feliks Zemdegs, although many people are catching up, some people don't go to competitions, and people usually don't do as well in competition as practicing.
sprinting events are used to find the person who can accelerate the fastest and run at the highest speed. where as distance races are used to find the person who can run the fastest,in the race, the longest.
1,500 words per minute.
These are fibers that every one is born with to a small extent, but the fastest sprinters in the world having many more than the average person and work on increasing them during there training.
Check Bugatti Veyron. Also Check Guiness world record holders.
79798454151468798/75457/97545465487/97454498 billion
No not a sole watched the 2008 world cup, for the very simple reason there was no world cup in 2008, it was held actually in 2006 in Germany.
172,000 in 2008
As of June 2008 there are 1 billion PCs in the world.
2. 1980 and 2008