The Centrino Duo processor made by the company Intel has two cores. It is implied in the name "Duo" , which can be translated as "two", "double" or "twice".
Duo shao 多 少
My sister and I were playing a romantic duo.
The Latin word for two is "duo".The Latin word for two is "duo".The Latin word for two is "duo".The Latin word for two is "duo".The Latin word for two is "duo".The Latin word for two is "duo".The Latin word for two is "duo".The Latin word for two is "duo".The Latin word for two is "duo".
The sum of the interior angles of a dodecagon (not duo-decagon) is (12 - 2)*180 = 1800 degrees.
Since the core 2 duo processor has two execution units, it can execute two threads simultaneously. (If you said quad instead of duo, the answer would be four.)
There are no antonyms for the word 'duo'.
Duo is a noun.
Duo mean
The root word "Duo" means "two."
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