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Q: How many holes does a straw have?
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How many holes in a soda straw?

Only one. It starts at one end and ends at the other.

Why is it difficult to drink liquid with a straw with holes in it?

Drinking with a straw relies on creating suction to draw liquid up. Holes in the straw prevent this suction from forming effectively, causing difficulties in drinking the liquid.

How do you grow straw mushroom?

Put the straw in the laundry or wire mesh basket and submerge it in the hot water that is between 160 - 170 degrees Fahrenheit. Let the straw cool and drain after it is removed. Next, break mushroom spawn into small pieces, mix it in with the straw and place the contents in a bag with small holes perforated. The mushrooms will grow out of the sides of the holes.

How many syllables are in the word 'straw'?

There is one syllable in the word 'straw'.

Why is the hole in a flute important?

The wind you create by blowing through it whistles through the holes in different ways depending on the ones you cover. The holes create the sounds - otherwise it would be similar to blowing through a straw.

How many pages does Straw Men - novel - have?

Straw Men - novel - has 321 pages.

How many pages does The One-Straw Revolution have?

The One-Straw Revolution has 252 pages.

Why does Soda straw doesn't draw liquid if there is a tiny hole at its upper end?

A straw relies on atmospheric pressure to push liquid up into the straw. If there is a hole at the upper end, the pressure inside the straw will equalize with the surrounding air, preventing the liquid from being pushed up. This disrupts the suction mechanism needed to draw liquid up the straw.

How many pieces of straw does it take to complete a straw-thatched roof?

The last one.   The last piece of straw is what you need to complete the roof.

Why would air be able to pass through the straw-and-tissue apparatus?

Air is able to pass through the straw-and-tissue apparatus due to the porous nature of the tissue paper. The tiny holes in the tissue paper allow air to flow through, while the straw provides structure and support to maintain the shape of the apparatus.

What is the rebus puzzle straw straw straw straw straw straw straw?

it means: the last staw

Is a straw a metal or nonmetal?

A straw is a nonmetal because it is typically made of plastic or paper, which are nonmetal materials. Metal straws do exist, but they are less common.