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Q: How many holes do we have in our skin?
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Tiny holes in the skin are called?

tiny holes in the skin are called pores

Are there holes in your skin?


What are the holes in the skin called?

The most common answer would be PORES. However, there are cases of unnatural tiny holes that can be a sign of skin diseases.

Do ladybugs bore holes in your skin?

yes.then you will die.

What do tapeworms do to their victim?

they eat the victim's skin and their become loads of holes and spots on the victim's skin.

Do crocodile have dry skin?

they have plates on top .they have holes in the body

How do you remove holes in man face?

You should take the man to a dermatologist. They have many ways of removing holes from skin -- for example, chemical skin peeling can remove a thin layer of epidermis, which can remove very shallow holes; plastic surgery might work for larger ones. Possibly silicone or even fat injections -- but you should be asking a skin doctor, a dermatologist this question, in person, so they can have a good look before giving you an answer.

What is zero's skin color in Holes by Louis Sachar?

Zero's skin color is described as dark brown in the book "Holes" by Louis Sachar.

Why do bums have holes in them?

The holes in bums are called "pores," which are openings that allow sweat and oil to reach the surface of the skin. Pores are an essential part of the skin's natural function in regulating body temperature and keeping the skin healthy.

How do mosquito respire?

mosquito respires by air holes present on his skin

Is there a way to get rid of 'holes' in the facial skin that looks like orange skin?

you can't get rid of the holes. They are your pores. The pores are very impotant. A pore is what gets clogged with dirt and other chemicals when you get a pimple.

What do you call the tiny holes or opening of the skin?

That hole is called a sweat pore. Use the link below to learn more.