Six ... 3 gold, 1 silver, and 2 bronze.
1984: Silver in heptathlon.
1988: Gold in heptathlon and gold in long jump.
1992: Gold in heptathlon and bronze in long jump.
1996: Bronze in long jump.
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As with many athletes Florence Joyner faced many steroid use rumors. The health problems that ended her career was also a large challenge she faced.
Florence Griffith Joyner, also known by many as Flo Jo, was born on December 21, 1959 in Los Angeles, California. She attended Jordan High School where she joined the relay team and got her start in running.
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Jackie Joyner Kersee has two sisters and one brother. Her brother's name is Al Joyner, an Olympic triple jumper (married to the late Florence Griffith-Joyner).
6 medels 1 bronse 3 gold and 2 silver
Tatyanna Ali Mariah Carey Florence Griffith-Joyner Jacqueline Joyner-Kersee Venus Williams Marian Anderson Glenda Hatchett There are several links in the Related Links which list many former Girl Scouts.