Assuming you are referring to the "break" on the green, it is the slope of the surface of the putting green. When putting if the ball rolls to the right it is said to be a "right break" same for left break, ball rolls to left after being struck by putter. To hit the hole when putting on a right break, you would have to hit ball to the left. You will hear terms such as "inside left edge" which would indicate to aim at the left side of the cup and the ball should "break" right into the cup when you hit put.
Other terms: right edge, outside right edge, 2 inches outside right edge(aim 2 inches outside right side of cup), etc. A severe break would be 3-4 feet of break.
Distance and Speed as factors:
Distance from cup is a major determining factor for break. If ball were 5 foot from cup a break of inside the left edge would possibly be 1-2 feet of break if the ball were 15 feet from hole.
Speed is also a major consideration. Normally when break is stated it is assumed the speed of the put would cause the ball to stop 1-2 feet past the ball.
Some putters are "die in" putters. They only hit ball enough to get it exactly to hole and ball literally falls into the hole as it is stopping. Some golfers are very good at this but it is not recommended for most golfers. These golfers must be very good at reading break and speed of putting surface.
Worldwide, are an estimated 50 to 61 million golfers. In the UnitedStates, there are an estimated 26 to 37 million golfers.
There are more than 27,000 professional men and women golfers in the United States. These golfers are trained through the PGA - the Professional Golfers' Association of America.
Many golfers enter in tournaments. It can be anywhere from 40-100
Too many.
a bunch i guess
In the US PGA at whistling straight it was 134 golfers overall with 71 making the cut
Fewer than there should be.
Yes, but where you have it will depend on whether it is one or many golfers. For one golfer: The golfer's clubs. For more than one golfer: The golfers' clubs. It is not used in clubs in either case, as it is the plural of clubs.