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Q: How many Stapeford points for a 28 handicap player?
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Which is better a plus 2 handicap or a minus 2 handicap?

This is where someones handicap is less than 0. When you have your gross score you actually add your handicap on to calculate your nett score.

How do you convert stableford points to a stroke score?

Stableford and British Stableford Stableford is played between 2-4 players. Players earn or lose points based on their net score on each hole according to the following system: 8 points for a double eagle, 5 for an eagle, 2 for a birdie, 0 for a par, -1 for a bogey, and -3 for a double bogey or worse. The winner is the player with the most points for the round. British Stableford is also played between 2-4 players. Players earn points based on their net score on each hole according to the following system: 1 point for a bogey, 2 points for a par, 3 points for a birdie, and 4 points for an eagle. The player with the most points wins. Stableford and British Stableford Stableford Players earn or lose points based on their net score on each hole according to the following system: 8 points for a double eagle, 5 for an eagle, 2 for a birdie, 0 for a par, -1 for a bogey, and -3 for a double bogey or worse. The winner is the player with the most points for the round. British Stableford Players earn points based on their net score on each hole according to the following system: 1 point for a bogey, 2 points for a par, 3 points for a birdie, and 4 points for an eagle. The player with the most points wins.

How many points does a women get with a handicap of thirty six on a par four?

They'd get 2 shots on the hole, so gross 8+ = 0 points 7 = 1 points 6 = 2 points 5 = 3 points 4 = 4 points 3 = 5 points 2 = 6 points 1 = 7 points

Can you play a stableford in a club competetion without a handicap?

No, not really. This is because you will need a handicap so they can see how many shots you get on certain holes and therefore how many points you make. If it is an unofficial competition you may be able to play in it, so check before hand. But if it is an official competition, it is unlikely you will be able to play.

How many points is scored if a player shoots the ball from the half court line in a game?

3 points

Why are there so many handicap parking spots at Home Depot?

Because handicap people like to do construction work?

How many extra points does a player get for using all seven of their letters at once in scrabble?

+ Fifty (50) points.

What does Guru mean in fantasy football?

It's the fantasy leagues prediction of how many points that player will get that game. For Example: If the guru for that player is "26.7". They are predicting that player will get 26.7 fantasy points for your team.

How many Stableford points does a player get for a hole in one on a par 3 when the player in question gets 2 shots on that hole?

6 points for a hole in one on a par 3 with 2 shots.

In a singles lawn bowling game how many points do you need to win?

It depends on how the heads up scoring is setup. If you are just bowling heads up, then total pin count is all that is important, this would be scratch. If you are bowling with handicap, you take the total scratch pin count and add handicap, the higher score wins. If you are bowling in the Peterson System, with a per game point system, then the person with the most points at the end would be the victor.

How many people have been on Survivor with a handicap?

Survivor contestants that have played with a handicap include:Christy Smith was hearing impaired.Kelly Bruno was an amputee.