depends on how long you have been out of the sport. Paul Hamm quit gymnastics for a year or two then started again and things obviously went good for him. i have been out for 6 years after 9 years straight and once I'm on he equipment i slowly start to remember things. just make sure your strength and flexibility are up and you should do fine.
I went through the EXACT same thing. For me, it took about 5 months for me to try back walkovers on beam again and all the back tumbling. I was never a fan of back tumbling.
By taking gymnastics classes or even cheerleading. Lindsay
The skills you have mentioned all only deal with tampoline and tumbling, to take part in mens gymnastics you must have skills on all the apparatus. You may be interested in doing competetive trampoline and tunbling though.
anywhere from five years to one month
there is always a answer to these type of ques. and it is
1-4 years
I can! I do gymnastics and i am very good at it! I can do a backtuck! As long as you practice and take in precaustions.
Partly, gymnastics is alot more graceful while cheer is more sharp and quick. Gymnastics could help tumbling and flexibility. But do not take the style from gymnastics and try it with cheerleading because gymnastics has more graceful and "pretty- looking" skills. So, if you only took the tumbling and the flexibility ( for jumps ONLY) then yes it could help alot with your cheer tryout.
Find a local gymnastics club and sign up!
No, as long as you have the facilities. If you want to join a club then you will have to pay but it's not that expensive :)
If you take gymnastics you could become really famous if you get good enough to compete in the Olympics or other events.