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Well, it's sensible to get the cool-down and the stretching done first. But once that's done there's nothing to be gained by waiting.

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Q: How long should you wait to shower after cycling?
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Can you sweat or wash off a suntan that was caused by using tanning lotion that also has SPF 8 sunscreen in it and also how long should I wait to take a shower afterwards?

No you can't wash it off, but you should still wait a month before taking a shower.

How long should you wait to shower after tanning in the tanning bed?

20-30 minutes. Depending on if you used lotion with tingler or bronzer.

How long after taking a shower should I wait before weighing myself?

It is recommended to wait at least 10-15 minutes after taking a shower before weighing yourself to allow your body to cool down and for any excess water weight to evaporate.

How long do you wait to dye your hair after bleaching it and taking a shower?

After dying your hair, you should wait preferably 30 minutes - 1 hour. For better results, wait for at least an hour. Don't wait less that 30 minutes unless you are expecting poor results.

How soon after using a tanning bed should you bathe?

If you put accelerator on, you should wait about a few hours. When I go tanning, I take a shower that morning, go tan sometime during the day, and wait to shower the next morning.

Can you shower after plantar wart removal?

YES. Wait about 12 hours and you should be good.

How long after sealing grout can you shower?

You should wait at least 24 to 48 hours after sealing grout before showering to ensure it has fully cured and is water-resistant.

How long do you wait to take a shower after you spray tan?

Personally i'd wait atleast up to 4 hours to let the bronzer set in. I have taken a shower an hour after using a lotion with a bronzer and it completely washed off.

How long do you have to wait after a long haul flight to take a shower?

This is a pure rumour! I bet you work at Emirates, a few flight attendant came to me with the same question. There is no problem in take a shower after a flight.

How long you to wait to shower before shower?

The length of time one waits before showering will vary from person to person. Some shower every day, some shower even two times a day. It is all a matter of preference.