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The high jump has been around since 1912. In 1912 the high jump was included in the Summer Olympics but the competitors were only allows to jump from a standing position.

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Q: How long has the high jump been around?
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Related questions

What is the human world record in long high jump?

There is no competition called the long high jump.

What is the history of the long jump?

The long jump has been around for over 2800 years and was one of the original events in the ancient Olympics. Click on the 'History of the Long Jump' link below to learn more.

What is the farthest jump for the long jump?

There are two track and field events. The long jump, and the triple jump.

What is the difference between the long jump and high jump?

The long jump is where you have a long strip of sand which you run to and jump as far as you can along it whilst the high jump is where there is a pole which the athletes have to jump over and it gets raised every time each athlete has jumped. :)

When in history was long jump invented?

long jump has been around for centuries. It was invented in Ancient Greece and was one of the original sports in the first Olympiad game (a.k.a the First summer Olympic game) around 776 B.C. though there is no actual recording of when long jump was ACTUALLY recorded

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How do high jump people jump?

They have long legs & they have very strong muscles which provide them to jump more high than an original person

What sports will Morocco compete in the London Olympics?

High jump or long jump.

What are the jumping events?

high jump long jump hurdles pole vault

What are 2 Olympic athletic jumping events?

Long jump and high jump.

What is the five field events?

There are eight field events: high jump, pole vault, long jump, triple jump, shot put, discus throw, hammer throw and javelin throw.

What sports are held in the Olympic stadium?

Running hurdles long jump high jump triple jump javline