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Depending on the specific ball and materials, it could take 2-5 hours.

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7y ago

Overall, because it not productionised its take about 10 minutes per ball - this is from raw material to final inflation

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Q: How long does it take to make a bowling ball?
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How many cups of flour and water to make a bowling ball?

If one were to sculpt a solid weight bowling ball from the suggested paper mache, it is likely to take at least 5 cups of water for a 5-pin bowling ball and at least 16 cups of flour for a 10-pin bowling ball. Consider in order to solidify the mache mixture, that each of these measurements will need to mix at least twice as much water, over the flour.

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Where can you find Baffle the Bear in Donkey Kong Country 3?

Baffle the bear is in K3 (the snow world) when you find him, take the package to Blue. He will give you a bowling ball. take the bowling ball to Bridgegar Bazooka bear and he'll fire it off

How do you take weight out of a bowling ball?

You could theoretically drill the holes REALLY deep...but you'd be better off buying a lighter ball.

In bowling what is an Overseas Release bowling ball?

If the ball is USBC certified then you can use it, even if it isn't certified who's gonna if you don't take it to any tournaments

Can you put a tennis ball in an oven?

It depends on the type of ball. Some can be put in the oven on lowest (120degrees) setting. To do this you must put a towel on bottom of the pan you are using, put it in for 15 to 20 min, take it out and put in hot soapy water, dry off and place back in the oven, repeat until no oil comes out of your ball. This can take several hours. Your best bet is to go to the bowling alley, they have a machine that extracts the oil from your ball. I would say if your ball is older than 2years and you bowl frequently then it is time to get a new ball.....ignore everything i said so far..never ever put your bowling ball in the oven it will ruin the coverstock of your bowling ball which helps make it hook. And if you do put in the oven ur risking the core of your bowling ball in which if it breaks your ball is pretty much screwed might as well say its a house ball. If your bowling ball is getting old I mean if you bowled at least 150 games with it I would get it resurfaced. Ya that's they put your ball in a resufacing machine which removes all the oil...that should definitely put some life back into your bowling ball. This only works on reactive resin ball or particle not on spare balls.

Can you burn a bowling ball?

Bowling balls are made from different materials - either plastic, urethane or resin. Depending on which type you have, it may be possible to burn a bowling ball - but you would sure be making one heck of a toxic waste.

What is the volume of a bowling ball?

We can approximate the radius of a bowling ball to be about 26.7", the formula for calculating the volume of a sphere is (4/3)*pi*r^3 ,so the volume of our bowling ball is 79730.12 cubic inches