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He began Stanford in 1994.

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Q: How long did tiger woods attend Stanford?
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How long has Buick sponsored Tiger Woods?

They do not sponsor him anymore.

How long did Tiger Woods date Joanna?

about 5 months

How long has Tiger Woods been playing?

30 years 30 years

How long is Tiger Woods woodie?

Must be big, he has a hard time keeping it in his pants

How long is Tiger Woods leaving golf?

Tiger Woods has not left golf . Not yet. His mother says , quote,"I think his father's death is the cause of this.If he was stillalive, I think none of this would be happening."

If a tiger poos in the woods does anyone hear it?

If anyone did, it probably wouldn't be for long, because getting that close to a tiger can be fatal, especially observing such a personal event.

How long did 2008 US Open last?

There was the standard 4 rounds, then Tiger Woods and Rocco Mediate were tied so they played an 18 hole playoff on Monday and were still tied, so they went to a 19th hole where Tiger Woods won.

How long did tiger woods know his wife before marrying her?

Elin and Tiger met in 2001 at the British Open. Elin was a nanny for a Swedish golfer at the time. They married three years later.

How long did Tiger Woods live?

As far as I'm aware, he is still alive and is competing in the Masters tournament as we speak (Friday, April 8, 2011).

How long has Tiger Wood be playing golf?

Tiger's father Earl Woods once said how Tiger imitated his father's golf swing from as early as 6 months old. He shot 48 for 9 holes at each 3 and broke par for 18 holes at 12.

Did Tiger Woods abundance of women have anything to do with his performance?

He is playing less well and losing endorsements. In the long run, all this mess has beem extremely detrimental.

When was the last time Tiger Woods did not wear a read shirt on a Sunday closing round?

Long before he turned pro. Probably early in his amateur career.