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Q: How long did the final solution last?
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Related questions

How long did the final solution go for?

The Final Solution went on for about three years.

What was Hitlers term for his long-term program for the Jews?

The "Final Solution"

What was Hitler's plan called to eliminate European Jews?

The Final Solution was the name of the plan. The Allies knew of the final solution through intel, but thought it was a military plan, not plans for the Holocaust.

How long did the Wannsee conference last?

About 90 minutes. It was concerned with the administrative co-ordination of the Final Solution and not with policy. It is clear from the minutes that the key policy decisions had already been taken.

Why was the final solution necessary according to hitler?

to save Germany from the (supposed) Jewish menace.

Is the Final Solution a noun?

Solution is a noun and final is an adjective and the Final Solution is a noun phrase or, arguably, a proper noun.

Write a program in java for factorial?

// Iterative solution public static final long iterativeFactorial(final long n) { long factorial = 1; for (long i = 1; i <= n; i++) { factorial *= i; } return factorial; } // Recursive solution public static final long recursiveFactorial(final long n) { if (n <= 1) { return n; } return n * recursiveFactorial(n - 1); } // Arbitrary length solution - may take a while, but works on any positive number. public static final BigInteger factorial(final BigInteger n) { BigInteger factorial = BigInteger.ONE; for (BigInteger i = BigInteger.ONE; i.compareTo(n) <= 0; i = i.add(BigInteger.ONE)) { factorial = factorial.multiply(i); } return factorial; }

How were children treated in the final solution?

Children were treated good in the final solution

How were ghettos part of the final solution?

the ghettos came before the final solution

What is the definition of Final Solution?

The Final Solution was the plan to rid of Europe's Jews.

What did Hitler call his program for dealing with Jewish people by sending them to death camps?

The Final Solution (of the Jewish question).

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until a final order