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With the improvements in modern day technology the yardage on a Golf course is now either calculated with a laser device or with a golf GPS. The laser device used to be the most popular however over the last 2-3 years the GPS has emerged and has been very popular. Years and years ago the distance used to either be paced out or measured with a measuring wheel, and this lead to a lot of innaccuracy.

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14y ago

With a tape measure.

Actually, while some course owners can and sometimes do use the old fashioned "tape measure", most will have the distance of the hole measured using modern laser instruments. The course architect will provide this information when the course is built or redesigned, etc.

When a course is being "rated" by the USGA, or more commonly the State Golf Association where the course is located, the rating committee will actually visit the course, inspect it, play it, and in many cases take along a "laser" range finder and simply measure the hole from the back of the tee box, down the fairway, to the center of the green to verify that the hole is indeed as "long" as the scorecard says it is.

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9y ago

By the shape of the hole, not line of flight or how the crow flies.

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Yardage of the shortest hole in golf?

Hole 12 at Maybach Country Club in Austria.

If a golf hole is said to be 480 yds what is the point at which the measurement starts and at what point does it fininsh?

The distance is measured from the tee box to the middle of the green. If a hole is said to be 480 yds, that distance is from the tee and "usually" to the centre of the green. Yardage markers ie 150 yrds out are measured the same.

What is a sentence with the word yardage?

The desk is measured in yards;therefore it is a yardage.

What is a yardage?

A yardage is the length covered by someone or something, measured in yards.

Is yardage measure from the tee straight to the hole?

No, due to the hole location is moved from day to day. Yardage is an approximation

Is the disance to the hole from the middle of the green?

Traditionally they were measured from the back of the teeing area to the middle of the green. However, most courses nowadays are measured to the front, middle and back of the green to assist yardage calculations.

What is the par on a 245-yard golf course?

Par for a golf course is typically based on the length and difficulty of each hole, not the total yardage of the course. Each hole will have a designated par value, which is the expected number of strokes a skilled golfer should take to complete the hole.

What is hole out in golf?

Hole out is simply finishing a hole of golf, obviously by putting the ball in the hole.

How do you start a golf hole?

You start a hole of golf by making a stroke with any golf club from the defined teeing area.

What is ace in golf?

An ace in golf is when you get a hole in one.

What is the shortest hole in golf?

hole 12 at hunters canyon golf course

Where can one purchase a Bushnell Yardage Pro?

The Bushnell Yardage Pro can be found on major online commerce sites such as Amazon and eBay. You can also order it directly from the Bushnell Golf website.