PHYSICS IS BASEDON THEORIES AND MATH. Spinting in based on theoretical limit on a how long a person can run a specific distance in and what top speed a human can reach.
WR- 100m- 9.58
200m 19.19
400m 43.18
she ran track involved in track and field
Trigonometry has the most application in Engineering and Physics.
track and field
track and field track and field
It is more of an engineering field. The science involved is physics and electro-chemistry. It requires knowledge of aerodynamics, materials, electricity, and local weather patterns.
Track and Field
track and field
No, chess is not a track and field game.
The most obvious application of physics in DNA fingerprinting involves the separation of fragments of DNA based on their mass and charge. This is done in a "gel electrophoresis" apparatus that pulls the fragments through a gel using an electric field. The physics therefore is that of the electric field, electric charge, and the resulting force to mass ratio.
track and field got its name because when you run you on a track. the field part is because you compete in the other competions on a field a grassy area.
One recent development in physics is the discovery of the Higgs boson particle at CERN in 2012, confirming the existence of the Higgs field and its role in giving particles mass as predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics. This discovery validated the Higgs mechanism, a key principle in particle physics, and reinforced our understanding of fundamental forces and interactions in the universe.
Yes there will be Track and Field in the 2008 Olympics.