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2 1/2 feet

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Q: How high is a track hertle?
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Is high track bowling better than low track bowling?

The track of the ball is based on how you throw the ball. If your fingers stay in the ball longer after the thumb has released, the track can stay towards the high side. Sometimes the ball will jump more for high track bowlers.

When does spring track start in brockton high?

track starts in early march

Our high school track looks bigger than the middle school track?

highschool track is the same size as middle

Is a apostrophe used when saying my high school's track and field team?

Yes. My high school's track and field team is written correctly.

How high is the tippickle pinewood derby track?

The height of a typical Pinewood Derby Track is about 4 feet, from the floor to the top of the track.

Can I run on a high school track"?

Yes, you can typically run on a high school track as long as it is open to the public and not being used for school activities.

How many lanes are there in standard track?

On a typical track, which is a training, high school, and a college track there are 8 lanes. However, on an olympic or professional track there are 9 lanes.

How high is a standard tumble track?

The original Tumbl Trak is 21" high.

What is the difference between in Normal speed railway track or High speed railway track are the rails of High speed railway track thick than Normal speed railway track?

Its not necessarily heavier (thicker is the wrong term), but it is more carefully aligned - and the curves are gentler.

Where is ponyboy curtis a track star?

at his high school