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I don't know, but they can jump seven times their own height!

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Q: How high can the average cat jump?
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How high can a Bengal cat jump?

Bengal cats are known for their agility and athleticism, with the ability to jump up to 4-5 feet high from a standing position. They are excellent climbers and love to explore vertically. It's important to provide Bengal cats with plenty of vertical space and interactive toys to satisfy their need for physical activity.

Which cat can jump the highest?

The cat that can jump the highest is the lynx. They can jump 5 metres high and 9-14 metres in length.

Why is your cat not able to jump on bed?

Cat's should be able to jump on your bed unless it is very high. or maybe your cat is too fat.

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How high can the average 13 year old jump?

I can jump 8 ft

How high do 14 year olds jump high jump?

On average, 14-year-olds can clear heights ranging from 4 to 5 feet in high jump competitions. Factors such as training, athleticism, and technique can influence individual performance.

How high can the average elephant jump?

it can't jump it to much weaght

What is the high school high jump average?

I'm a sophomore and I jump 5'10". That's about average or a little more than average but at big meets a lot of guys jump upwards of 6'6" but then again I'm only in 10th grade.

If a cat can jump five feet in the air then why can't it jump through a two-foot high window?

The cat may be able to jump five feet in the air vertically, but it may not be able to jump horizontally through the window due to the size constraint. Cats are adept at evaluating and making decisions based on their environment to navigate obstacles effectively. They may choose not to risk getting stuck or hurt by attempting to jump through a window that is too small for them to pass through comfortably.

How high can a saber-toothed tiger jump?

A Saber Tooth Tiger could jump as high as an average modern Bengal Tiger.

How high is the average height to jump out of an airplane?

13,000 ft.

How high can average male jump?

I High jump for my school so I would say 2 feet shy of his own height when he starts out.